It is 100% free to contact a pet sitter on Pawshake using the “Contact” button on his or her profile. We also invite you to arrange for free a Meet & Greet with a pet sitter whose services you are considering.
As far as their services are concerned, each pet sitter determines the rates he or she wants to charge. Those rates are listed on their profiles and what you see is what you pay. There are no additional administrative or transaction costs. The Pawshake contribution is 19 %, which we use to pay for the maintenance and development of this website as well as our team, are already included, as is The Pawshake Guarantee (veterinary coverage and more).
In some cases, the effort a booking requires goes beyond what the service usually entails - think of special needs pets, a long commute to a home visit or home visits to a household with a large number of pets. In that case, your pet sitter may ask to negotiate a slightly higher rate.