Pawshake pays your pet sitting funds directly into your personal bank account via Stripe Connect, a secure online payment processor.
To activate your bank account and receive your funds, you will need to verify your details on your Profile > Payout method. This increased security is to prevent fraud and to make sure we are paying the correct person.
Once verified, your funds will automatically be paid to your bank account within eight business days from the end of the booking.
Please note: If the pet owner made the booking at very late notice, please be aware that the sitter payout cannot be scheduled less than 8 days before the date on which payment was made. On bookings lasting less than a week, this may result in a longer delay in paying you out.
You can check the current status of each payment in the booking overview in your Pawshake profile. If your payment takes longer than eight business days, please review this information.
How do I verify my details?
You can verify your details as you set up your new pet sitter profile.
If you already have a profile, you can do this anytime by visiting your sitter payout page. This takes just a few minutes and you only need to do this once.
To verify your details for payout:
- Once you're logged into your profile, do to Profile > Payout method. Enter the bank account you want your bookings to be paid into.
- Save these details.
- Tap/click on ‘Verify identity’. This will take you to the Stripe Connect page.
- Follow the instructions to enter your details and click/tap ‘next’.
- Make sure your name is entered correctly and tap/click ‘done’.
You can update your details anytime if they change by visiting your sitter payout page.