Pet owners are looking for reliable, available sitters to take care of their precious pets. Nothing is more important than finding the perfect sitter, who truly connects with and loves their pets as their own.
When a pet owner starts looking for a pet sitter, they want to find out who the pet sitter is. After all, they wouldn't give their pet to just anyone. That's why it's really important to cover certain information in your public profile. Specifics can later be discussed via Pawshake messages.
Remember - you can't please everyone, and that's okay. There's a perfect sitter for every pet or situation, and that's why you should be honest about what your preferences and abilities are. Think about what kind of pets you want to take care of. This will help you determine which pets you can do a great job for as a sitter.
Haven't created a profile yet? Click 'become a sitter' - button below to become a pet sitter on Pawshake!
Let's start with the basics:
Profile picture
Your profile picture is one of the first things that an owner sees via a search on Pawshake, so making a great first impression is naturally important.
- Please choose a completely centered, front-facing picture, from which you are easily recognizable
- Make sure both of your eyes and your entire face are fully visible in the profile picture
- You must be the only person in the picture
- Your pet can be in the photo too, but make sure they aren’t blocking your face
- Don't choose a picture where you have sunglasses or a mask on
- Don't add any stickers, filters, or effects
- A passport-style picture with a smile works best.
Profile title
Choose a short, eye-catching title. Using keywords such as "dog walker" and your city or area will help your profile's popularity.
Profile description
Why should a pet owner choose you? What kind of pets do you take care of? Tell owners what you're like and what your preferences are.
- Write about yourself in detail - who are you?
Basic biographical details - age, occupation etc
What's your neighbourhood like - are there pet-friendly areas nearby you can visit?
About your experience
What motivates you as a pet sitter?
What specific previous experience do you have in pet care and pets?
Can you administer medication to pets? Can you offer training or grooming?
- What services do you offer, and specifically, what is included in them?
- If you offer home visits:
How long will you stay with pets during home visits?
Will you be able to water plants and bring in the mail?
- If you offer dog walking:
How long are your dog walks?
Where do go for a dog walk?
- If you offer house sitting:
How long can you stay in the owner's home during house sitting?
What home security measures will you take during house sitting?
- If you offer home boarding and daycare:
How many dogs will you board at the same time?
How long are your dog walks?
How many dog walks do you offer per day?
How much time you can spend with pets:
Please note: Pets cannot be left alone for longer than 3 hours during dog boarding, and no longer than 1 hour during daycare.
How does pet care fit into your daily or weekly routine?
What is your availability like?
Do you work from home or do you need to leave the house for work?
Can you supervise guest pets 24/7?
What is your home like?
Who else lives in your home? Any family members, roommates or pets?
Where are the guest pets allowed to sleep?
If you have a backyard, what is it like? Is it fully fenced? Are your gates safe and secured?
Profile gallery
A great gallery supports what you've just written in your description. Aim to choose pictures that complete your story - remember; you can always add more later.
- We need at least 5 pictures in which you are clearly recognizable and in the company of pets.
- Include pictures where you are interacting with pets in various situations, for example:
- Playing or cuddling with pets
- Training pets
- On a walk at a nearby beach/forest/park
- Make sure all the pictures you choose are high quality - upright (you can flip them via the Pawshake app) with good resolution, lighting, and size.
If you offer home boarding or daycare
- Include pictures of the places where the guest pets will spend their time - inside and outside
- Do you have a backyard? Include photographs of that, too
- What's the area around your home like? Pet owners want to see that the neighborhood is safe, so it's a good idea to add a few pics of nearby parks, etc.
Example pictures of your home - indoor and outdoor
What not to include in your profile
It's equally important to remember what not to include in your public profile. We're looking out for your safety at every twist and turn, but so should you. For safety reasons, you should never include sensitive personal information in your public profile, such as:
- contact details: phone number, address, email address, social media accounts etc
- social security numbers or bank details
- a picture of your passport
- pictures of your specific location (remember; we never share your address publicly)
When an owner contacts you, you can then share relevant personal information in the safety of a private conversation. You can freely decide when you share your details with them, if at all. We respect your privacy.
Inspired? Log in to edit your profile!