If this happens, the pet sitter will notify you and take appropriate action, i.e. consult a vet.
Please make clear agreements with your pet sitter about what to do in case of emergency. Leave an emergency contact in case you can’t be reached, as well as the contact details of your preferred vet.
If it doesn't concern an ongoing health problem from before the booking, The Pawshake Guarantee will cover the vet costs.
In order to make a claim, contact our Support, providing us with the following information:
- Date of your meet and greet before the booking
- Pet owner's email address
- Pet owner's full name
- Name of pet
- Pet sitter’s name and contact details
- Date of the incident
- Booking reference number
- Describe what happened in detail, including what led to the incident
- Was the pet sitter present at the time of the incident?
- Timeline of expected care, if additional treatment is needed
- Veterinarian’s contact details
- Pet owner’s insurance policy number and carrier (if applicable)
Please note that the Pawshake Peace of Mind Guarantee is to be used on top of the pet owner's own insurance, if there is one. We are able to help cover the costs that might not have been covered by pet owner's own insurance, or with deductibles.
Please also submit the following information to us:
- Pictures of the pet’s injuries
- Copies of veterinary bills
- Vet report including diagnosis/medical case summaries
Once we are in receipt of the above information, we will commence investigating your claim.